Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Daily Pooklet

I check in periodically with a wonderful blog that's been a source of good parenting and theology insights, and reading today, I was inspired to blog daily on something our little isaac is doing.

I hope to post each day a brief snippet of the preceding day in the life of a POOKlet.

Here's yesterday's:

When the mama pook teaches a spin class after picking me up from work, I sit in the car with the pooklet and we chat or I feed him. Over the last few days, he's been fussier than normal, and we're not sure why. But for the first time in my life, I'm craving an SUV to gain more head and shoulder room during these cramped feeding times. Burping a fussy (read: unpredictable head jerks) baby over your shoulder in a Camry leaves a lot to be desired, in particular, tens of thousands of dollars for a bigger cabin on wheels combination.

*Incidentally, there's a link at the aforementioned blog to a soon-to-be-launched site called Tumblon that sounds intriguing. In the words of one of its creators, it "will help you understand, nurture, preserve and share your children’s development." You can read about it on the Tumblon blog.

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