Sunday, March 22, 2009

b-boy korea!

Ever since we say Planet B-Boy, Korea's stock has gone way up with the Pookies.
I immediately searched Youtube for Last For One, one of the featured b-boy crews in Planet B-Boy, and found what I'd been unconsciously dreaming of, breakdancing to Canon in D in a slick video.  This crew makes me giddy, and watching this makes me grin.  Makes me wish I diversified my skateboarding years and bought some b-boy stock to appreciate and keep me company today.
I've been playing capoeira "with" my son lately and enjoying that.  Hopefully he will too, someday.

Joel Augé and a prayer for the Church

Joel Auge is one of my favorite new artists.
I was convicted by this song when we first heard him play it in september. I even told him so.
As we were picking songs saturday night to go with this morning message, pookie reminded me of this one,
which hasn't been recorded to a CD yet, so this clip is the best we could do.
We ended up not trying it, but I find it quite moving and wanted to commend this song and artist (I've begun
listening to his one album again as I clean up our wedding photos for a wedding book three years overdue).

Friday, March 20, 2009

the softer things in life

today i was showing pooklet the big patrick the pup stuffed dog our friends got him, lifting up the big, floppy ears in hopes of getting a cuddly reaction.  pooklet pet him on the head softer than he's ever petted our cats, and then nestled his face under the big fluffy doggy's ear.

It's like he's learning to enjoy softness, because up until this point, he would pat (not pet) cats, and often seems disinterested in the soft plushness of his stuffed animals that even daddy can't get enough of.  especially that cuddly mr. penguin.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

yes and no

pookie taught the pooklet how to sign for thank you, and to nod yes and shake his head no.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

pooklet, friend of pesci.

Pesci the cat has an owie on his front paw and pooklet surprised us by pointing directly at it and making what sounded like a comment related to it.
He then leaned his head into Pesci in the same loving demonstration we've seen from him only a few times before (and once with a newborn). It was remarkably intentional-looking behavior that stands out from his typical walking into walls, tripping over things, and erratic yelling.
I hereby declare that the pooklet officailly has a clue, and a compassionate one at that.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

squeezing noseys

A couple weeks ago, pooklet starting squeezing my nose to which i respond by saying, "Honk!" He loves it and giggles to get more "Honk!"s out of me. Yesterday in Trader Joe's, an older (and bigger) man said hello to the pooklet I was carrying and the pooklet reached out to squeeze his nose. However, in a rare moment of restraint, the pooklet hesitated and withdrew his hand.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

i am second

This is my new favorite website. Currently, it's not much more than fairly brief, compelling testimonial videos, but it's inspiring stuff. My wife and I discovered the site because of Brian Head Welch's video portion, and we stayed on to enjoy Stephen Baldwin's as well. I watched two more of the videos today, one of which inspired me to get some thoughts down in Word. Most of the "interviewees" on the site will probably be unfamiliar but I recommend Chris Plekenpol's video as a good place to start.