Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to Lull Your Pooklet to Sleep

Here's an overdue music recommendation for new parents: Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies.
It's a great collection of some of my female favorites: Nichole Nordeman, Bethany Dillon, and Christy Nockels, and a couple others with whom I'm unfamiliar.

I've failed in the habit I set out to create a couple months ago, of memorizing worship music to sing our pooklet to sleep. so i still only have about five songs i can sing to him by heart. But the most prominent song in my repertoire by far, a Pookie favorite, is "May the Words of My Mouth," sung by Christy Nockels and Janna Long. I'm still not familiar with Janna Long, but this album and a couple other songs by Christy Nockels led me to buy Watermark's "A Grateful People," a nice, celebratory, live worship album, which is currently in rotation in the Camry's CD player.

It's funny how crying is a pre-sleep soothing mechanism for babies, and that it persists even when the pooklet is laid down in his bed. one would think he's all set for bed-ums and he can stop crying and start snoring, but no. what seems obvious to the parent is not apparent to the pooklet. however, there is great pleasure in rocking a fussy overly tired pookberry in your arms while gently singing him to sleep. Watching a few yawns... then the eyelids droop... and the sleep overtake him.
there's satisfaction in reconciling the sleep-deprived fuss-bear with his rest.

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