Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Skateboarding Sunday, DOMS Monday

Sunday, just before my weekly leaders' meeting (we're working through MacArthur's 'The Master's Plan for the Church'), I took advantage of one of the high school kid's new skateboard and the nice weather. After a couple kickflips and no-complies, I saucily strove for double kickflips, but never actually rode out of one (same as when I used to skate).

Monday at work, my whole body ached with delayed onset muscle soreness.

Then I went running on the treadmill at work. But I forgot about the knee pain I got last time I ran (7 weeks ago), which I attributed to running shoes older than 6 months (I blame my wife for planting that notion in my head).

I'm feeling old, but only physically. I wish I could feel the wisdom of an old person when it comes to personal finances.

I've been letting money fester in minimal-interest rates for too long, anxious about losing out on potential dividends.

This is what you call in the personal blogosphere a slow news day.

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