Saturday, January 12, 2008

hoping he falls asleep

That's been one of the dominant daily desires of us pookies hoping to get our baby boy to rest. Isaac's now 7 weeks old and it's a beautiful and restful thing to see him sleep.

He has thwarted my semi-resolution to blog daily (though I had yet to master the brevity thing), so I'm taking the opportunity Isaac's given me now, as he's down, but putting the baby down often means picking him back up again to burp his crying self once his gas finally decides to surface.

I learned something this or yesterday morning in my devotions. I've been reading through Luke and, thanks to a few commentaries, learned I'd been misreading a line from Jesus during the last supper. When, in Luke 22:36, Jesus tells his disciples that they're free to sell their cloaks and buy swords, and the disciples reply with, "See, Lord, here are two swords," Jesus says, "It is enough."

The disciples produce the swords after Jesus says, "what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment," and they were still at that point expecting a military takeover with the coming of His kingdom despite Jesus' admonitions to the contrary.

What I thought was Christ's approval was actually, according to MacArthur, MacDonald, and Wiersbe, His exasperated disapproval, manifested in his ending the conversation, which is what he was referring to as having "enough" of.

Though carrying these kinds of knives was typical in that culture, the disciples had simply misunderstood what Jesus was implying, being still not clear on the nature of the kingdom of God.

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