Saturday, February 23, 2008

Worldview Rules of Engagement

I'm currently preparing to substitute-teach the high school sunday school class at our church (a series on the attributes of God) tomorrow, and I'm reviewing my old notes from an apologetics conference at the Moody Church. I found a great quote from Ravi Zacharias that brilliantly explains the test through which we should run all our worldviews. I actually tried to place it on the right-hand sidebar of the blog as a replacement for my photo (which is far less instructive), but there was a technical problem. I'll try again later.
In the meantime, here's Ravi's excellent test for your belief system (I've put his conclusion before his points, but haven't changed the meaning):
Life must move from truth to experience to prescription. If either the theist or the atheist violates this procedure, he or she is not dealing with reality but is creating one of his or her own.

First, can I defend what I believe in keeping with the laws of logic? That is, is it tenable?

Second, if everyone gave himself or herself the prerogatives of my philosophy, could there be harmony in existence? That is, is it livable?

Third, do I have a right to make moral judgments in the matters of daily living? That is, is it transferable? — Ravi Zacharias

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