Friday, December 3, 2010

Two kids enter, one kid leaves...

last night was the first night our two kids shared the Pooklet's room (The Pooklet's been in his big boy bed now for about a week).
when mommy put the Numgat in Pooklet's old crib, she pointed back to our room and said somewhat anxiously, "Hannah sleep there." but, after a brief cry, it took.
after a 4am change and bottle, however, she sat up and started talking to her pig-pig, so i broke in and took her out so she wouldn't wake her brother. However - and here is the real proof that the sleep experiment was successful - she hadn't even woke him with her initial 4am cry (which woke me down the hall through two closed doors).
she ended up sleeping in our room from 4:30 on, but all in all, this was a good sign of things to come.

I, however, couldn't fall back asleep.

1 comment:

grace said...

sorry you couldn't go back to sleep, the pook. thanks for braving her cheesey blaster at 4 in the morning though.