Saturday, December 4, 2010

Numgat Initiative

As is my habit when the Numgat wakes from her nap in the Pack 'n' Plan in our closet, I came to get her first by opening the closet door and turning on the light so she would at least know her freedom was imminent and stop crying, while I made a quick stop in the bathroom.
However, before I could finish in the bathroom, to my bewilderment, she sauntered in, greeted me, and casually tossed her empty bottle into the sink (where we toss the day's used bottles), and sauntered out.

I guess this is less surprising given that yesterday after putting her down in the pack 'n' play, I found her sitting on the changing area portion, having climbed up to it.

I guess her transfer to the Pooklet's old crib came none too soon.

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