Saturday, September 13, 2008

Boring Medical Journal entry 2

Medi-log entry 2, September 12, 2008:

For years, I've had occasional knee-buckling when I walk, which I've never thought much of. But lately, perhaps because it's coincided with slight pain from running, I went in to check it out. After all, it's just weird to have your knee give out periodically when you're at work just walking to the printer.

Here are the diagnoses of my $10 appointment:

Dr. assessed my left knee tendon as slightly softer and inflamed than it should be, and diagnosed tendonitis. Referral to physical therapy.

Right knee tendons feel fine, but given my history of impact, diagnosed it as patellofemoral pain syndrome (whatever). Referral to physical therapy.

Itchy patch on back of neck: fungus (how embarrassing). Prescribed Clotrimazole, which I passed on buying then because I thought we had some, but after cleaning out the creams and ointments drawer at home, found none.

Scalp scabs and severely itchy ears: dandruff. Prescribed Nizoral shampoo (Ketoconazole). The Selsun Blue she'd prescribed last wasn't relieving me of . That's twice I've bought that expensive blue stuff for naught.

I can't wait to see the physical therapist, which I passed on seeing the first time I was referred (shoulder pain). My doctor said I'd need to strengthen my quads, which I'm not looking forward to.

On another exercise note, I've discovered the rowing machine at work since I'm not supposed to do the treadmill and elliptical because of my weak knees. I like it, but I'm expecting pain effects of it tomorrow. Here's to new habits.

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