Wednesday, May 7, 2008


My dad, for last father's day, gave me a book to write memoirs in for my kid(s).  Each page begins with a question, and one of the questions has stumped me because it asks for 5 phrases to live by. Well, like so much else, good phrases come to mind when i'm nowhere near something to write on, so now, whenever possible, I'm going to rush to a computer when they strike, and put them down here.  And so begins the category of entries titled "memoirs."  They don't have to be quotes by others, but my first two happen to be.

"The truth will out" (Shakespeare)

"Always have something to say before looking for a place to say it. (paraphrased from Dallas Willard)" (This is something I keep in mind often when blogging)

1 comment:

John said...

If I had to come up with 5 phrases to live by, I think a few would be:

1) Speak Life
2) God Knows
3) I'm just along for the ride
4) Clarity before agreement (sorry, I had to throw in the Prager reference)
5) Seize the Day! Seriously - it is a good mindset to have.
Well, that's what I came up with on the fly.