Monday, November 19, 2007

expecting a delivery

tomorrow is the day the doctor told us we could be delivering a baby boy.

at this point, all i can say is that it's unlikely that we'll be early.

new observable behavior in the wifey is nesting, which means bursts of energy at inopportune times to clean surfaces at home while saying things like, "the baby could come at any moment!" she's cute.

she emailed me at work to tell me that the nesting continues as she runs errands, shopping for additional Christmas presents for our family.

i'd like to take this moment to remark how amazing nesting is, this preparatory instinct that shows one more detail of God's design of woman. My female coworker claims she didn't experience this phenomenon, but it's apparently common knowledge, and part of Kaiser's childbirth classes.

I'm not only excited to see my baby boy and raise him at every stage of his life, but I'm constantly comforted by the revelation of God's creativity and purpose along the way.

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