Monday, January 25, 2010

patting the pooklet

For the past few weeks, in the early post-binky era, we've seen how easy it is to get a crying pooklet resisting bedtime to submit to quiet, stillness, and sleep. All it takes is patting his side, draping his duck blanky over his face, and singing "Come Ye Sinners," and it seems only one or two verses is all that's required.

One day when we were playing in the afternoon, the pooklet tried to get me from sitting to laying down, and then patted me on the chest while humming melodically.

He's also patted his stuffed ducky and sung to it.

The wifey tells me that when his duck blanky was in the wash and she'd substituted a stuffed ducky, he put stuffed ducky on his face.

1 comment:

John said...

I love that you sing "Come Ye Sinners" to your children. They need to learn early what their true status with God is and turning it into a bed-time song is wonderful. Probably a good reminder for the parents as they loose patience, that children are sinners and need both God's and their grace. Keep up the good work.