Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pooklet News

Saturday, pooklet grabbed an empty milk bottle off our bedroom desk and eagerly walked it over to the bathroom sink, where we amass the day's spent bottles. he scurried back with a subtle proud smile, and we praised him. so often he demonstrates the same good-natured initiative, but usually fails with the execution. this time, it was pure joy to observe.

i caught myself today making a parenting no-no. i tarried in giving my wailing boy a consoling hug, simply, i realized after the fact, because i didn't understand his previous whining (and was thereby frustrated by it), and let it crescendo. when i did pick him up and hug him, he immediately became calm, and in no time, he was happily playing with me again. I need to remember to keep the toddler's perspective at the ready.

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