Sunday, November 22, 2009

the terrible twos

we dedicated our children before the Church and the Lord this morning, and pooklet exhibited the restlessness of a toddler, refusing to stand while on stage. during the singing, he couldn't sit still, didn't want to be restricted, and in general made me wonder where the lines should be drawn.
he resisted us on the walk to the car afterward, but we took it all in stride, ultimately, understanding that this season must come.

tomorrow he turns two. right on schedule.

but still, a bright spot right before getting into the car to return home. i spun around holding our 7-and-a-half-yr-old and made her giggle and squeal with delight. I reveled in her guilelessly exuberant face up close on a sunny day (and subsequently stumbled with dizziness from the spinning). she'll have her days of defiance, too, in a year or so, but this brief moment was the sweet note on which the morning ended.

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