Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First sickness

Around 9pm last night, i heard coughing through the baby monitor, and when i went in to check on him, he was vomiting copious amounts of milk (thank God he didn't start vomiting when we were in the kitchen, because the monitor was in our room).

diarrhea followed, and some crying. the advice nurse told us it was likely something he caught during the day (he had spent an hour in the health club's day care while mama pook taught her spin class). it was both sweet and sad to see on the pooklet an expression so tired and out of sorts, and put out from the nausea. and all in all, he was a trooper, suffering discomfort well.

today i took off from work to monitor the wife (who felt a bit sick herself following this episode) and the child, which ended up amounting to just enjoying them both on an unexpected day off. pooklet seemed to be over his illness with the dawn, and i got to enjoy his usual giggly self all day.

Here's a photo of him in something that soon won't fit him, from the day after his brief illness.

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