Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Insidious Creep of Man's Works

I've had little visible success in evangelism, though my heart burns for the gospel to be known.

Reading this excerpt of Wiersbe's book, Real Worship: Playground, Battleground, or Holy Ground?, it gave me pause on my attitude, and gave me remembrance of the despair that can creep in when I'm discouraged after my failed efforts. His statement is about missions, but the same could be said for street evangelism.

"When missions is divorced from worship, the human need can become more important than the divine glory; and the strategy used might be the result of human observations rather than a God-given spiritual vision. It's when we worship God that we discover afresh that His thoughts and ways are far above ours and that whatever we do will have to be guided and empowered by Him."

Worship is such an overarching and all-encompassing posture of the believer's life, that it is elusive in its counterintuitive requirement. That is, it's hard to focus on glorifying God when we ourselves choose and work to effect changes throughout every day. We instinctively and unconsciously ascribe to ourselves the credit for our actions and, summarily, for our lives. Add to that the difficulty in getting our minds around the fact that "in Him all things hold together."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since visiting here. Your descriptions of parenthood are bringing back some memories of when our were little. Sometimes you feel like you have no time of your own... & then the Lord reminds you that there are greater things than "free time". It's really encouraging to read about your ongoing walk with Christ. Worship in the home is so key. I have met few who feel as passionate about it as you. God bless.