Isaac had his 2-month appointment today and weighed in at 10lb, 13oz, which was a relief to us, since he had lost 3oz between last Saturday and two days ago. Looks like he found them and put 'em back on.
He took his vaccines well - three in the legs - and six hours later still has no fever or side effects. He continues to make us proud. He barely cried and the nurse was impressed.
Afterwards, we met with a pastor of another church to discuss his theology and pick his brain about our decision to change churches. We were both pleased with him, even despite a few differences in theology.
He mentioned a small group made up of couples and singles our age and younger, and that appealed to us. We plan on checking that out once our current small group, a 6-week book study made up of older folks, concludes.
Isaac, our little pooklet, just endears me more and more each day, and the reason isn't always because he's doing new things. For example, I just think it's the cutest thing now when he cries. Maybe my new-father anxiety was initially holding me back before from full appreciation of the helpless babe. Or maybe I miss him more now that I'm at work most of the day.
There it is, my fastest blog yet. I'm trying to ramble less and chronicle more.
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