Boy, I tell you what, if there was ever a doubt that I wanted one of my own after seeing what our boy Nate did with his, all doubt was erased after shooting continuous of my wife and child today.
My wife continues to impress me with her music skills. She led worship music this morning in church (which means I sang, too) on the guitar, and impressed me by doing (among other things) the backup vocals on “Prince of Peace” while strumming.
It’s been a pleasure to do the music with her and to preside over the congregation every other Sunday or so. Our church is small, and we know most everybody in the pews, so that contributes to my comfort level at the podium, both in terms of familiarity and intimacy.
I found out from my coworker that Aaron Brothers was having a huge picture frame sale today, so we stopped by and ended up buying $100 worth of wall ledges and frames at a really, really good value. (I added the second ‘really’ to offset the ‘$100’ part).
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