Monday, April 14, 2008

oh taste and see

Since the wif wasn't around over the weekend, I was left with feeding the pooklet defrosted milk that we froze late december. unfortunately, it seems some of it may have gone a bit sour, the wif informed me today.  Pookie, ever the more involved in pooklet's feeding, sniffed and even tasted a little of the December milk after noting the same reticence that I experienced with him over the weekend (I feel quite sheepish right now).
So now when considering frozen milk, we will taste and smell that the milk is good before forcing it on the pooklet (I picture four little tasting glasses in front of us, and commenting on the subtle undertones and good legs).
The wif deserves credit for being meticulous about freezing milk, following the more conservative estimates for milk storage and scrutinizing the collective wisdom online.  We've actually stored so much that we're sending some to Africa!  (Don't worry, it'll be pasteurized first)  I, on the other hand, haven't been nearly as meticulous in respecting its care, namely things like, ohh, I don't know... the temperature.

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