Today was such a pleasant day. It was about 80 and sunny, but even nicer was the pace at which I got to operate. I dedicated myself to tending to pooklet’s care and devevlopment. I was meticulous about feeding, moisturizing, and putting him to bed, keeping track of times and ounces on my blackberry calendar.
It was idyllic. Perfect scheduling, perfect child.
I thought I wouldn’t have to venture out at all and compromise his sleep schedule, until I realized there were only about 7 dumplings left in the freezer.
So when the pooklet awoke next, I plopped him in the BOB and drove him to Costco for a pizza at the food court.
I was happy it was the first tank-top-weather day of the year until I realized that my brand new Jordan bulls jersey was bright red in a town full of norteños and sureños. I figured I was safe pushing a stroller.
But then, the stroller is sort of red, too.
On the way to costco, pooklet had a really heartbreaking look of disappointment that said, “I wanted to play, daddy… Why are you sealing me inside a vehicle?
On the return trip, he dozed a little, which threw him off a little when we resumed feedings and sleepings. But perhaps the real issue was his underdeveloped esophageal flap or whatever because he struggled with the bottle, pushing away and leaning back and whining, and then whining for the bottle when I took it away. He was like, “Owie, owie, owie! … Hey! I didn’t say ‘stop.'”
But at the most difficult hour, he went down surprisingly well, despite the trauma of forcing milk down. We’re trying to give him 40 oz. a day now.
Since I did very little besides hold the pooklet in the bedroom with the sliding glass door open, I got to enjoy the simpler things in life, like my neighbor’s fruit tree overhang.

I’m listening to some of Andy Hunter’s new tracks. I bought a few of his April 8 releases on iTunes, as well as some brown Born dress shoes that I tried on at Dillard’s last night. Man, what a convenience. $50 cheaper online, easy return policy with prepaid shipping labels, and even a 10% off coupon I found at another site (The wif got me into that habit).
The pookies realized last night that shopping at malls has risen in our perception far beyond the old categories of trivial errand-running. With a babysitter freeing us up, we really enjoyed a proper date night with frou-frou appetizers and a trip to the mall. I’m telling you, after a child, everything’s special when it’s just the two of you.
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