Wednesday, March 19, 2008

uncramped pooklet care

Yesterday, I was able to get home early (albeit tired) and feed, play with, and put down the pooklet on my own. It’s unique when I have the pooklet all to myself and I’m not in the backseat of a Camry. It was nice sitting on the bed with a bottle and a baby.
He was fussy when I was holding him, but he went down a lot easier than on most nights lately. It’s slightly discouraging when I’m holding him and he seems disinterested in my face but cranes to look at and smile at mommy as she’s preparing to leave. And then he fusses when I hold him. While I can’t say I enjoy this contrast, I believe it’s normal and likely to change. I will say that it is nice to be in the position to allow the wife to stay home with the pooklet. It reinforces my hope of good child development.

He’s been sucking his hand like crazy this past week. And this morning, he grabbed and sucked my finger when it was in close enough proximity to his tractor beam.

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