Pooklet had great tummy time today (There’s a phrase I never would’ve imagined typing a year ago), lifting his head high and making us proud.
Recently, the Pooklet’s been coughing and sneezing, and breaking out in little bumps on his face, ears, neck and legs. So today we took him to Kaiser to see an allergist. We had blood drawn from his arm (much crying) and are eagerly awaiting to see if he’s allergic to anything. Sadly, if it turns out to be cats, I’ll most likely be looking for friends who’ll take them.
Reformed theology fans: check out christianaudio.com. If you sign up, they alert you to a free download each month, giving you a coupon code to waive all costs. I just downloaded “Confessions of the Reformed Church,” and I still haven’t finished last month’s “How To Pray,” by R.A. Torrey.
Pookie’s friend also alerted us to iTunes University, where you can download free courses! I just subscribed to Reformed Theological Seminary’s course “The Church and the World.” Haven’t listened to it yet, but it sounds great!
1 comment:
Not the cats! That makes me so sad as I sit here in bed with Tora staring intently at me just begging to be pet. Please God, may we have an allergy-free baby?! I can't bear to think about having to find a new home for our precious kitty!
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