One of the joys of technology is rotating desktop images. Pooklet in both real-life and flat screen versions makes me grin ear-to-ear, so enthralled am I with his cuteness.
One of the joys of the weekend is that I get to contribute to my neglected blog.
We've recently reached the max capacity on our picasa site, and we're too cheap to pay, so maybe I'll use this as our forum for weekly pooklet photos. Yeah. And maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
Since I have the time, I thought I'd mark some things for the Annals of Pooklet:
- The Pulsating Pooklet
We noticed the soft spot on his head throbbing the other day, for no particular reason. I figure it's because the blood is so close to the surface on the top of the head that it might've been just coursing overtime, causing a pulsating pooklet.
- Pooklet Press-ups
Pooklet seems to like it when I bench press him. He giggles, which delights me to no end, and gives me more than a little bit of toning, I'm sure, given the weight in his giant thighs alone.
- We gave him ground lamb today, and videotaped him making faces at the apparently horrible taste it left. Stay tuned on "Vomit Watch" for updates.
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