Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11:22am on the day and still holding...

Last night after work, the Pookies went shopping and the bored husby took pictures of his wife's belly…

it's a balloon! it's a superball! it's a baby!

…and of himself hiding out in Clinique products

Today, I'm feeling achy (anxiety? sympathy pains?). For one thing, I think I'm coming to grips with the arthritis in my right shoulder that my doctor predicted back in chicago. My back has been aching, too, I guess that's from all the work around the house lately.

It was a sad moment last night when pulling up the covers in bed made my arm ache. just sad. I'm only 33. I hate to think that I will eventually look back on my acrobatic antics and become a voice of caution for young people.

1 comment:

James Elston said...

oooooh... baby coming any day...! wow.

well in our experience, the nesting instinct kicks into HIGH GEAR right before the event. I mean there was general nesting going on for a week or so, but when it becomes EXTREME, then, well, whoa baby.

I'm psyched for you guys.

...sorry bout your achy shoulder.