b-day for pookie the wife began thusly:
Thursday, Oct. 11 - The Pookies Go to the Symphony
This is the only symphony experience I can recall, and my initial reaction to the strings was one of sublime wonder. I was enraptured, albeit briefly, by the first strains (what an inappropriate-sounding word for violins) but I guess that's also because I rarely pursue such artistic indulgences.
The uncultured and simple side of me thinks it silly that the conductor goes off stage so often only to come right back on. That, and shaking hands and giving hugs to the first chairs. Seems snooty. On this night the solo was by a tubist, or whatever tuba players are called. Very Pookie-appropriate.
Friday, Oct. 12
As we sat in 5:30 traffic, we enjoyed talking about Carol's exhortation that day to slow our daily pace enough to hear God's voice. This is one of a couple truths we have yet to implement that is as elusive as it is simple, the other major one being scheduling one-time tasks for an actual date, rather than just leaving it at the bottom of the pile while we tend only to the new stuff dumped daily onto the top.
We seem to think less of worship when we don't do ministry stuff, and that's our mistake. Props to Carol for her insights.
We listened to the wife's SCBC mix on the way to Ikea (It's so much fun singing "Come to Jesus' together). It was fitting that, since we mainly just returned stuff there, it was the first relaxing and short trip we've made to Ikea.
I recited to my Pookie-kins a poem I wrote on my Blackberry:
My oh my
I testify
to wonders nigh
within my bride.
I always find,
when at my side,
she strengthens my
resolve to try
that which to me doth sanctify
of God, our loving Adonai.
And in His marriage plan from high,
I joyfully with you abide.
Enjoying all your treasures thy
good nature gives in great supply.
You draw from me a love so high
and give so much to just one guy.
The best companion for my life,
I'm thankful for the knot we tied.
Each morning you're an easy sight
on tired eyes
from restless nights.
And evening brings such soft delight
upon your back and arm and thigh.
Each word and song and laugh and sigh
befriends the heart and piques the mind.
Of all won over by your style,
your husby most of all must smile
at merits smartly reconciled
in one so sweet and lacking guile,
one who prefers bamboo to tile.
At home for solely you I'll strive
until that day when he says, "I!"
(The "he" in the last line is our little boy Isaac, due next month, and the "I!" is something Grace joked that he would shriek as shorthand for his name, or just for no reason at all.)
Saturday, Oct. 13
In the evening, we attended Bayside Church's evening service and were impressed with their overview sermon on James.
Towards the end, I felt God reminding me that nothing is accomplished for His glory at SCBC apart from His power. I'd been guilty of a man-centered view of our church's stagnant condition and of my own abilities.
In the end, we were both blessed by the service, though it's good that we don't live closer because we might be tempted towards more comfortable service, and away from a church and city that seem to need us more.
Monday, Oct. 15
We met Sara and Peter for Korean BBQ at our favorite place, Oz, where they let you spin the super fun happy wheel on your birthday!

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