I usually don't blog because it takes too much time and doesn't serve to build up my wife or kids, or anyone else but me.
My heart is burdened by the Florida church in the news this week, which is pondering a book burning of Qur'ans. Something else I usually don't do is file a protest but I did this evening because their action grieves me so and I want to stop it. With a couple minor changes, here is the email I sent to Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville.
Please don't burn any qur'ans.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
May Romans 3:23 both temper and inform my plea. Christ died for all and He gave the Great Commission to His followers for "all nations," including Muslims.
You know that burning a Qur'an is not a bridge to faith in Christ. You know this.
It is instead a widening gulf between Muslims and the Lord who loves them. You know this. The problem is that your proposed international koran burning day doesn't only widen the gulf between Muslims and Dove World Outreach Center. It widens the gulf for Christ's body, too, the Church everywhere. By refreshing the Muslim perception that Christians are arrogant and hateful, you are sabotaging the tireless, tearful and godly efforts of men and women who've devoted their lives to bringing the love of Christ to these committed followers of God.
The loving thing to do is to bring as many people into the Kingdom of God. Paul demonstrated this with shrewdness and zeal. He became a Jew to the Jew, a Gentile to the Gentile.
Do you know that most Muslims don't read the Qur'an, and that if you were to point to surahs in their holy book like the one that says Jesus is the Mercy of God, it would be a revelation to them and thus more effective at leading them to Christ if they've been taught to avoid the bible?
Do you know that Muslims are more likely to read a bible if the person inviting them to do so has shown respect for their (Muslim) cultural background? In fact, Muslims have come to Christ in great numbers precisely because Christ's missionaries used the Qur'an as a starting point.
If you carry through with your book burning, you are being selfish, harmful, and disobedient in the most important issue of life - salvation.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I condemn your action and urge you to instead hold a prayer vigil for Muslims everywhere, repenting of your insensitivity.
This is the last week of Ramadan, when Muslims the world over are more preoccupied with seeking God's forgiveness than at any other time during the year. It is a great opportunity for those of us who want to see Muslims experience the same redemption that we've received. Please don't let it coincide with such an insult as this. You will leave ripples in your wake and people like me, who have a heart for Muslims, will have more damage to undo.
Remember, the apostle Paul started out as a terrorist.
Thank you for reading this,