Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gingarte Revisited - August 2009

mid-august, we flew home to chicago for a wedding, and extended the trip a bit to see family and friends.
while there, i got to drop in on my old capoeira group and train in their pilsen location. it was awesome.
i'm grateful to the wife for capturing this sequence my friend kris and i worked out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

pooklet puppeteer.

today, pooklet was getting into the breakable, off-limit teapot, "pouring" tea into a milk bottle for great-grandma, and transporting the teapot lid. For this, he got his hand slapped, so his circumvention tactic was to put his duckie up to it, moving duckie to touch the forbidden teapot. when mommy warned him, he withdrew the duck and slapped its hand.

pooklet has also spanked himself on the butt, so i suppose this is a logical follow-up to that.

nummies, different than pooklet

last night, nummies slept with her eyes half-opened. it was kind of creepy.

and today, the wife called me at work to tell me that princess nummies was talking in her sleep. and i could hear my daughter squealing in the background.

today when the wife drove me home, i turned to look at the nummies, and she was pondering her fingers. i found this utterly delightful to witness.

Monday, September 7, 2009

how do i "set the Lord continually before me?"

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;

- Psalm 16:7-9a

i would love to develop (and keep up) a nighttime ritual that reorients myself towards Jesus - to filter the day's thoughts through the lens of scripture, as a bookend to the day in supplementation to my morning devotions, to dwell in the rest He gives, if only for a few moments before falling asleep. i pray for another habit that i would look forward to, even when tired, as with my morning ritual of bible study and prayer, because i want more of Christ instructing my heart and gracing my perspective, and less frivolous clutter competing for my attention.

does anyone have good ideas for a simple evening devotional habit?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

pooklet progress: the week in review

pooklet climbed out of the crib for the first time. made it out unscathed. wifey discovered he was out when she heard a radio playing in the house (what IS that?!?). she opened the door to his room and found him with a CD in his hand next to the clock radio with a guilty smile on his face. i moved the changing table (his most likely escape route) and he hasn't attempted another breakout since.

while leaving nummies in pooklet's care for a brief second, the wifey found him "sharing" — he had put his sippy cup of breastmilk to hannah's mouth. later, he tried feeding hannah's bottle to his duckie.

third day in a row of refusing to nap. during a visit into his room (to try to get him to nap) wifey patted his bottom and thought... hmm... not as padded as usual. i wonder wh.... POOKLET! his diaper was not on. he was wearing one of those long onesies so the assumption is, he was able to pull the diaper off and throw it over the crib. his bed was dry initially but when she dashed to get him a new diaper, he peed all over it.

Thursday (we think):
pooklet REALLY wanted to drink out of mommy's glass of water. she was trying to get him to eat his food and he was not going for it. so she bribed him with a glass of water. he happily drank from a glass for the first time, and ate his food.

the clean pooklet

This is potty-training weekend for the pooklet, but this post is about a side note. He picked up part of a toy and put it in his mouth (quite common as anyone might guess), but he then took it out and used his shirt to wipe it "clean." He then put it back in his mouth. as good a habit as can be expected at this age, I suppose.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009