Monday, August 31, 2009

cutie pretty nummie pie

homemade toy

my friend john made this for princess nummies and surprised us with it when he and his family came to visit. i was both impressed and touched by it so i wanted to show it here.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

tappa tappa tappa

Today the wife, while holding Nummies, heard a clicking sound coming towards her. It was the Pooklet, to whom the wife asked, "Pooklet, what is this?" He smiled slightly mischievously, so the wife looked him up and down, and found his toes clenched around something. The something turned out to be quarters, one under each foot. She then remembered he had taken two quarters from the bedroom about half an hour earlier.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

refreshment in prayer

While I was praying today with the wife, I was confessing disappointment in the lack of quality fellowship and spiritual likemindedness at our church. But what came out in the end was the implicit sense of entitlement I’ve had that I deserve more for my efforts at church the last three and a half years. And I was struck dumb by what seemed like God’s reply, “and what did Christ get for His?”

As my wife prayed I was reminded that all we fight for under the banner of entitlement – uninterrupted naps for the pooklet, privacy in our home, likeminded friends – belongs to God. Everything we enjoy, for whatever length of time, are simply His gifts to undeserving stewards. We’re so accustomed to the daily sampling of pure pleasures He gives that we complain when they’re interrupted.

I was humbled and encouraged by this overarching truth held in place by the God of the universe. I’m now ready to “do all things without grumbling or complaining.” However, as dutiful as I can be with what I know to be right, I'm still susceptible to resentful feelings even as I refrain from external sin. For that, I will take the advice my wife gave me today and pray for a changed heart and a love for others. What else is there besides knowledge of God's truth and His enabling to obey it?